We are Green Soul

Connect With Nature


We have the power today to change tomorrow

This emphasize the impact of our current decisions and actions on the future. This sentiment can be applied to numerous areas, including environmental conservation, social justice, health, and education.Here are some thoughts on how this call can be interpreted and acted upon

  • Sustainable Practices.
  • Reforestation and Conservation.

He Who Plants a cabbage Loves Others Besides Himself!

This highlights the virtues of selflessness, sustainability, and community care through the simple act of gardening. Planting a cabbage, or any other plant, not only provides for the individual’s needs but also has broader positive implications for others and the environment.

Our Mission is to Save the World

Save Water to Save Money

Saving water is crucial for conserving the environment as it directly impacts ecosystems, reduces energy use, and minimizes the strain on water resources.

Think Clean and Go Green

Is a call to understand the impact of pollution, waste, and resource depletion on the environment

Save The Planet By Recycling

ecycling conserves natural resources, reduces pollution, saves energy, and helps combat climate change

Meet our heads of departments.

Dean of Faculty of Agriculture &

Environmental Science.

Acting Head of Department Animal Science

Acting Head of Department Crop Science

Acting Head of Department Environmental Science